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EUV mirror / soft X-ray mirror

We provide multi-layer mirrors and single-layer mirrors for EUV.

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Mo/Si multilayer mirror
We provide EUV mirrors that reflect EUV light with photon energy 10 eV - 1 keV (wavelength 120 nm - 1.2 nm) with high efficiency. This energy band mirror, also called soft X-ray or XUV light, is used in a wide range of fields such as industrial applications such as EUV lithography, ultra-high-speed physical and chemical research using high-order harmonics, astrophysics applications, and soft X-ray plasma observation. It is
Multilayer film mirrors are mainly used for direct incidence, and single-layer film mirrors are mainly used for oblique incidence.

Design example

      Mo/Si multilayer mirror, incident angle 0 degree
      Ru single layer mirror, incident angle 80 degrees

Typical specifications

We will design the substrate shape and coating according to your request.

  Typical specifications
Maximum size Diameter 3mm - 450mm
mirror shape Plane, Concave, Cylindrical, Parabolic, Spheroidal, Toroidal
multilayer material Ru/B4C, Mo/Si, Zr/AlSi, SiC/Mg, W/B4C
single layer material Ru, B4C, C, Ni, Au

Download materials

Multilayer Coating for Extreme Ultraviolet Experiments (English, white paper) 615KB
EUV mirror / Soft X-ray mirror Related literature list (English) 215KB

EUV multilayer mirror design example

This is a design example of a multilayer mirror for 20 eV - 150 eV (wavelength 60 nm - 8 nm).

Ru/B4C multilayer mirror (150 eV - 100 eV)

for 150 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 33%, Bandwidth: 3.1 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 31%, Bandwidth: 1.9 eV

for 120 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 40%, Bandwidth: 2.2 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 40%, Bandwidth: 4.5 eV

for 100 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 41%, Bandwidth: 3.3 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 41%, Bandwidth: 6.6 eV

Mo/Si multilayer mirror (95 eV - 70 eV)

for 90 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 68%, Bandwidth: 3.5 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 67%, Bandwidth: 6.1 eV

for 80 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 61%, Bandwidth: 3.1 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 60%, Bandwidth: 7.7 eV

Zr/AlSi multilayer mirror (70 eV - 50 eV)

for 70 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 59%, Bandwidth: 2.8 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 59%, Bandwidth: 4.4 eV

for 60 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 49%, Bandwidth: 3.3 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 49%, Bandwidth: 6.3 eV

for 50 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 32%, Bandwidth: 4.9 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 32%, Bandwidth: 9.6 eV

SiC/Mg multilayer mirror (45 eV - 20 eV)

for 40 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 48%, Bandwidth: 2.5 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 48%, Bandwidth: 3.0 eV

for 30 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 44%, Bandwidth: 3.1 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 45%, Bandwidth: 3.8 eV

for 20 eV

グラフ AOI=0 deg.
Reflectance: 41%, Bandwidth: 3.1 eV
グラフ AOI=45 deg.
Reflectance: 46%

EUV multi-layer mirror standard specifications

Standard model EUVML-(a)-(b)-(c)-(d)-(e)(f)
(a) Multilayer film material Ru/B4C, Mo/Si, Zr/AlSi, SiC/Mg
(b) Reflective type H: High Reflectivity, N: Narrowband, B: Broadband
(c) Incident angle 0 degrees - 60 degrees
(d) central energy 20 eV - 150 eV (60 nm - 8 nm)
(b) Substrate size 1025: 1 inch diameter x 0.25 inch thick
0525: 0.5" diameter x 0.25" thick
(c) Substrate type F: flat, C: concave (curvature radius 100 mm - 3000 mm)

EUV single layer film mirror design example

This is a design example of a single-layer mirror for 10 eV - 1 keV (wavelength 120 nm - 1.2 nm).

Au mirror

グラフ AOI=75 deg.
グラフ AOI=85 deg.

Ni mirror

グラフ AOI=75 deg.
グラフ AOI=85 deg.


グラフ AOI=75 deg.
グラフ AOI=85 deg.

SiC mirror

グラフ AOI=75 deg.
グラフ AOI=85 deg.

B4C mirror

グラフ AOI=75 deg.
グラフ AOI=85 deg.

EUV single-layer mirror standard specifications

Standard model EUVSM-(a)-(b)(c)
(a) Coating material Au, Ni, Ru, B4C, SiC
(b) Substrate size 1025: 1 inch diameter x 0.25 inch thick
0525: 0.5" diameter x 0.25" thick
(c) Substrate type F: flat, C: concave (curvature radius 100 mm - 3000 mm)

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Please feel free to contact us for inquiries such as an estimate.

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