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List of applicable connectors

List of Connectors/Adapters by Type and Compatible Optical Connector Cleaners

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This is a list of appearances of optical connectors and adapters and compatible optical connector cleaners. Please refer to the product selection.

Corresponding connector/adapter optical connector cleaner
 MU adapterMU adapter

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-E1

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ1, EZ1 Plus

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-S125

arrow.jpg CLETOP Stick 1.25mm type

 LC adapterLC adapter

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-E1

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ1, EZ1 Plus

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-S125

arrow.jpg CLETOP Stick 1.25mm type

MU plugMU plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E1 ​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ1, EZ1 Plus​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg CLETOP B type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S B type

 LCプラグLC plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E1 ​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ1, EZ1 Plus​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg CLETOP-B type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S B type  

 SCアダプタSC adapter

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-E2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-S250

arrow.jpg CLETOP Stick 2.5mm type

  FCアダプタFC adapter

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-E2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-S250


arrow.jpg CLETOP Stick 2.5mm type

  FAソケットFA socket

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-E2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-S250


arrow.jpg CLETOP Stick 2.5mm type

  SCプラグSC plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E2, E3​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2, EZ3 ​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg CLETOP A, B type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S​ ​A,​ ​B type  

  FCプラグFC plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E2, E3​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2, EZ3 ​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R2

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg CLETOP A, B type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S​ ​A,​ ​B type  

  FAプラグFA plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E2​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN EZ2​ ​(*1)

  FASプラグFAS plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E2​ ​(*1)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN EZ2​ ​(*1)

 FASソケットFAS socket

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN E2​ ​(*2)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-S250


arrow.jpg CLETOP Stick 2.5mm type

 SC2 plugSC2 plug

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-E2 

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-EZ2

arrow.jpg CLETOP A type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S A type

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

MT/MPO plug (no pins)



arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg CLETOP B type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S B type

  MT/MPOプラグピンありMT/MPO plug (with pins)

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R3

arrow.jpg CLETOP MPO type

  MTMT-RJ plug (no pins)

arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN-R2 

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg CLETOP B type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S B type

   MT-RJプラグピンありMT-RJ plug (with pins)

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R4 

arrow.jpg CLETOP MT-RJ type

ST plug

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R2 

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg CLETOP A type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S A type

DIN plug

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg CLETOP A type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S A type

D4 plug

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP C

arrow.jpg OPTIPOP R1

arrow.jpg CLETOP A type

arrow.jpg CLETOP-S A type

ODC plug arrow.jpg NEOCLEAN EZ1 Plus

(*1): When using the attachment that comes with the main unit
(*2): When using attachment for FAS socket

For other connectors, please refer to each product page.



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